Saturday, May 8, 2010

Microsoft-funded open-source foundation aiming to diversify

Open-source software veteran Paula Hunter has one of the more interesting jobs in the industry, as the executive director of the CodePlex Foundation, a non-profit, open-source organization that was established with Microsoft as its founding sponsor.
On a visit the Seattle region this week, she sat down with us to discuss the CodePlex Foundation and its future, including its efforts to expand beyond that Microsoft investment and diversify the open-source software projects that it supports as part of its portfolio.
Continue reading for excerpts from the conversation.
Q: What's the purpose of the CodePlex Foundation?
We want to make it easier for commercial entities to participate in open-source development. That could be software companies, that could be corporate IT. What we find is that open-source is being used pervasively in both the commercial software sector and corporate IT sector. Being used, being consumed, more.....

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