Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Facebook Must Tell Google to Buzz-Off (Or Else)

To protect itself from Google, Facebook content must never appear in any form as part of any Google product. Not ever, and Facebook should make the announcement today. (You can see our visual tour of Google Buzz here).
Here's why: If Google Buzz is ever connected to Facebook, it will be the beginning of the end for today's #1 social network.
As a Facebook user, the last thing I need in my life is another social networking service. I have lots of friends--business and personal--on Facebook. It plays an important role in my home and work life. What I don't need is for my friends to start dividing themselves into Facebook users and Buzz users.
I want all my friends on just one service.
Just as Google, Amazon, and eBay have become dominant in their markets, almost to the exclusion of all competitors, Facebook has become America's social network. We do not need another one and Google will someday regret trying.
Google is simply too late to the game and given its failed history in social networks--Orkut, anyone?--there is little reason to predict success beyond the power of Google's name.
For Buzz to succeed, it needs Facebook content. By denying it, Facebook can help secure its future and help wall off Google.
Given Google's modus operandi, Buzz will manage to somehow strip revenue from any social network that it allows it to connect. Eventually there will be just Google. Don't believe me? Sit back and watch.  more.....

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