The first Kannada film to have the 4 K technology, the first Kannada film to release in 12 countries at a time when it is released in Karnataka, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai, the first Kannada film to come out with 150 prints is Rs.8 crore venture ‘RAJ THE SHOWMAN’ – starring Power star Puneeth Rajakumar and Nisha Kothari in the lead roles. This is directed by top director Prem in Kannada who gave super hits like ‘Kariya, Excuse Me and Jogi’ plus a debacle of his debut acting film ‘Preethi Eke Bhoomi Melidhe’.
The combination of Puneeth Rajakumar and Prem itself raised lot of expectations and as the days near for the release it has reached the peak. Prem has fallen back as his earlier film ‘Preethi Eke Bhoomi Melidhe’ has crashed but Puneeth Rajakumar is unbeatable in the box office. The series of nine films of Puneeth Rajakumar are super hits and his last two films ‘Milana and Vamshi’ have given terrific response in the box office. This is the debut for Nisha Kothari the Bollywood actress who is very much in news always. more . . .
The combination of Puneeth Rajakumar and Prem itself raised lot of expectations and as the days near for the release it has reached the peak. Prem has fallen back as his earlier film ‘Preethi Eke Bhoomi Melidhe’ has crashed but Puneeth Rajakumar is unbeatable in the box office. The series of nine films of Puneeth Rajakumar are super hits and his last two films ‘Milana and Vamshi’ have given terrific response in the box office. This is the debut for Nisha Kothari the Bollywood actress who is very much in news always. more . . .
1 comment:
Yes. Puneeth Rocks ......
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