Saturday, August 15, 2009

Most Popular Open Source Languages

What is the most popular programming language used by open source developers?

The answer depends on how you define popularity.

According to a new study from Black Duck, a software-license code analysis vendor, C represents more than 40 percent of all code written for open source software.

Black Duck made its determination by counting the actual lines of code. While C is the leader by that measure, PHP and JavaScript are on the rise when you look at the broader picture of how open source projects use programming languages.

"Most open source projects use more than one language," Peter Vescuso, Black Duck's executive vice president of marketing and business development told "We found that 36 percent of all the projects, with a release in the last year, had some JavaScript."

Looking at all open source releases over the past 12 months, JavaScript accounted for 7.6 percent more . . .

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